Book In Your TV Aerial Installation Glenrothes
Why Choose Us?
- Local Same Day Service
- SKY dish replacements and repairs
- Free on site quotations for all SKY work
- New satellite dish replacement
- Local 1 hour service
- New replacement LNB's

- Fast local friendly engineers
- Multi room and extra HD SKY points
- All work fully guaranteed with customer support
- Freesat installation and set up
- Discreet dish positioning
- Free no obligation quote on site

TV Aerial Installation Glenrothes
Now, more than ever, having a good TV picture that you can rely on is crucial. That’s why at Taylor TV Aerial Installation Glenrothes we are on hand to help with any TV related work you may want done. We can help in any situation and with any task, be that simply fixing a poor signal or installing a full new system. We have been operating for many years now, and in that time, we have acquired a wealth of experience, working with many different systems and tackling many different issues.
Aerials that we offer
We offer aerials for all the major systems and more such as Freeview, BT-view and Soarview. We also offer aerials of all different sizes and materials. Our aerials include;
- Yagi TV Aerials – The most common aerial type throughout the UK and what most people will be familiar with.
- Log Aerials – Another common type of aerial, becoming increasingly popular due to the switch to digital aerials
- High Gain Aerial – Aerials that not only receive a signal but also amplify it, meaning that high gain aerials are ideal for areas with low signal or a lot of interference
- Wide band aerial – Can be used on all TV transmitters
We understand that not everyone wants an aerial installed outside, which is why we offer a comprehensive range of indoor aerials, be they loft aerials, or mobile aerials. However, we offer aerials for more than just TV, we also offer numerous aerials designed to pick up radio channels be that DAB radio or FM radio channels. We truly have an aerial for any need or application.
Satellites that we offer
Our range of satellites is as diverse as our range of aerials. Satellite tend to be grouped mainly by dish size and dish material. As a dish gets larger, the range which it receives become smaller but more concentrated, as well as more able to cope with interference. Therefore, in areas of good signal, a smaller dish will suffice. However, in areas that are remote, have low signal or a lot of interference, a larger dish will be necessary. The main satellite materials used commonly throughout the UK are; steel aluminium and plastic mesh. Each material has its pros and cons, with steel being the sturdiest but also heaviest, aluminium being lighter but more expensive and plastic mesh being an excellent mix of both. Of course, a major drawback of steel is the potential of rust
Glenrothes through and through
As a company who are based in Glenrothes we understand the importance of local TV, we know firsthand just how good our local sport, news and weather is, which is why we strongly believe that every resident should be able to view these channels without interference from poor signal or pixilation. All our engineers are from Glenrothes as well, they are local and know the area intimately. This is to ensure that they know exactly what issues you are likely to face regarding your TV signal and how to best tackle these issues and give you the signal you deserve.