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About us

We reach over 1.4 million working horses, donkeys and mules across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.
Our staff include vets, animal welfare experts, and advocacy and development specialists.

Brooke at a glance

Brooke is an international charity that protects and improves the lives of horses, donkeys and mules which give people in the developing world the opportunity to work their way out of poverty.

why good animal welfare is important

We believe that animal suffering is preventable and that good animal welfare protects human livelihoods. For 600 million people in some of the poorest places in the world, 100 million of these animals are the backbone of communities and their best means of making a living. Without healthy working horses, donkeys and mules, they wouldn’t be able to put food on their tables, send their children to school or build better futures for themselves and their families.
We work with owners, communities and policy makers to bring about lasting improvements to the lives of working animals. Brooke works hard to deliver significant and lasting change, even in some of the world’s most challenging areas. We use our expertise to train and support owners of horses, donkeys and mules, local vets, farriers, harness makers and animal traders to improve standards of care.

Brooke in numbers

  • 100 million: the number of working horses, donkeys and mules all over the world
  • 600 million: the number of people whose lives are supported by working equines
  • 13: the number of countries we work in across Africa, Asia, the Middle East and Latin America
  • 1.4 million: the number of working horses, donkeys and mules reached by Brooke services in 2021/2022
  • 10,000: The number of communities we work with
  • 5,000: The number of animal health service providers, vets, paravets and farriers we trained in the last five years
  • 8,709: the number of brick kilns we work in

Our vision

Our vision is of a world in which working horses, donkeys and mules are free from suffering and have a life worth living.

Our mission

Our mission is to achieve immediate and lasting positive change to the lives of working horses, donkeys and mules and the communities that depend on them.

Our strategic goals and objectives


  • Transforming equine welfare in communities.
  • Increasing the visibility and inclusion of working equids.
  • Strengthening sustainable animal health systems.

Our theory of change

In order to sustainably improve equine welfare we recognise the complex interaction between the equine, the equine owning communities, and the system within which they co-exist. We believe that change to human behaviour needs to happen at all levels in order achieve transformational change for the equines and the communities that rely on them for their livelihoods.

Long term impact:

  • Strengthened livelihoods and resilience of equine owning communities.
  • Improved behaviour and compassion of equine owners/users and society.
  • Strengthened existing animal health systems and services.
  • Improved policies, legislation and practice conducive to animal welfare are implemented.

Charities campaigns

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